
All pictures in the Galleries are available for sale. If you do not see what you are looking for please contact us with your requirements, we may have just what you are looking for in our extensive collection. If not it may inspire us to go out and take the picture!

The prints are supplied mounted and can be supplied as 7"x5" at £6, A4 at £17 and A3 at £32, prices to include postage and packaging. Prints are produced using an Epson photo quality 1290 printer and genuine Epson archival inks and printed on Epson Semi-Gloss Premium grade papers. High Gloss A4 prints can be supplied if required at the same price.  Mounts will be chosen to complement the pictures although please feel free to specify a particular colour if required, we will do our best to oblige. To order prints please contact through my e-mail address, All prints are supplied on the understanding that they can be returned with a full refund if you are not entirely satisfied.

Greeting Cards

Greeting cards (7"x5") with envelopes and no message can also be supplied and are available with any image from the Website. Prices are 3 for £5 and 7 for £10 plus 50p for postage and packaging. Please order via the e-mail address, p.mugridge@talktalknet

 NEW Christmas Cards




Packs of 6 Christmas cards can also be purchased. They consist of  6 cards (6"x4"), 3 each of 2 designs. There are 4 designs, Robin, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Blue Tit, Blue Tit and Goldfinch, so please specify which designs you require. Prices are £2.50 per pack or £7 for 3 packs, plus 50p for postage.
